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A quarter-century of dedicated advocacy to preserve a Working Waterfront & the Heritage of an Authentic Village.

The Mayport Waterfront Partnership was formed in 1998 when the State of Florida designated Mayport Village as one of its first three Waterfronts Florida Communities in 1997. High yields for waterfront property, restrictions on fishermen’s hauls, and increasingly high costs of maintaining waterfront infrastructure had already taken their toll by that time. With their new status as a Waterfronts Florida Community and the 10K grant that came with it, there was fresh impetus to preserve the Village and its way of life.

A diverse group of citizens made up of civic leaders, urban planners, architects, educators, and business people formed the Mayport Waterfront Partnership to safeguard what still existed and find an authentic path for revitalization. That was 25 years ago and we haven’t looked back!

Mayport Action Plan

Mayport Waterfront Partnership

A master plan and economic development comprehensive revitalization effort for the future of Mayport Village.

More than a small, working waterfront village in Northeast Florida, Mayport represents a unique tapestry of history, people, and experiences. In 2020, the community, led by the Mayport Waterfront Partnership (MWP), began a journey to develop a unified strategic vision for its future. The goal of this plan was to prepare a concept for redeveloping the core waterfront area into a vibrant, mixed-use village around three uniquely defined districts: Education, Historic and Working Waterfront. To build upon this effort and advance the strategic vision, the MWP recognizes the need for an action plan to best position critical infrastructure needs, with an emphasis on the Ocean Street corridor and parking, to catalyze future investment and economic development. Additionally, Mayport’s location on the St. Johns River provides an opportunity to implement development and infrastructure through the lens of resiliency. This plan provides a roadmap to help implement the vision.

Click Here To View The Action Plan

“The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore.”

Vincent Van Gogh

Mayport Waterfront Partnership

Mayport Waterfront Partnership
Registered 501(c)(3) Organization
ID# 59-3524226

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